Tuesday 30 October 2018

Contextual Research

In order to start generating ideas for this project I decided we needed to looking at existing book formats and layouts to gather an idea of what we could produce that would create the best outcome possible. As I visited Cuba last Summer I had some ideas of some physical aspects that I could include to make the booklet personal and relative to Cuba with a subtle aspect to it. I initially gathered some context to Cuba to see if there was anything that would affect our initial ideas. 

Going to Cuba taught me that there are many authentic amazing things to be seen, but this can be ruined by the sudden rise of tourism. Since Obama expanded authorised travel to Cuba, US travel alone increased by over 77%/.  The fastening rise of economic development, with more and more things such as hotels for the rise in tourists could ruin Cuba for ever.

Having researched the country before going, I had a brief understanding of the country’s political structure; namely, how it remains one of the only communist countries left in the world. With the death of Cuba’s leader, Fidel Castro in 2012, communism has slowly become less entrenched in Cuban society. Accompanying this decline sprung a prolific trend amongst travellers to visit and get a glimpse behind this modern Iron Curtain. at one of the last communist states in the world. Years of isolation and trade embargoes have left
Cuba predominately self-sufficient. The state both rejects capitalism and claims a virtually classless society, administering utterly free healthcare and education for all. Cuba embraces all the principles of a communist society which can be defined as a social organisation in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.

Going to Cuba also made me realise the shape of Cuba on the map (shown below). It is one long line, I thought this could be an aspect that could be represented in the final book to reinforce the story that is also a line. This is an aspect that can play on the audiences subconscious. 

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