Tuesday 7 May 2019


Brand identity throughout this brief is very strong showing recognisable repetition. The use of the top-heavy logo design represents what the brand is producing and will one day be selling. Production of the outcomes was performed in a professional manner delivering exactly was desired and more, through aspects such as the slogan.

As the target audience for this brief was millennials it was deemed appropriate to get the Instagram logo just right, as Instagram is arguably the biggest social media platform used by the audience. Now the client can use the business Instagram to build excitement for her new brand before it launches.

The time frame for this brief was 2 months, which allowed for enough time to gather good feedback in order to create the perfect outcome for the client. Having a good method of communication with this client aided with the time management for the module, as clear meeting dates were set agreed by both.

Sustainability for this brief came naturally as it was mainly digital work being produced, as it is a start-up information regarding circular fashion was provided to the client with. This was appreciated and taken on board.

Working with Brittany proved to be difficult at times, her weakness was decision making, which made the task more challenging. To get around this the options that were showed to the client were small variations of each design thus making it a simple task for the client to do. However, the communication and work-based relationship was good which made the brief enjoyable.  The client will be coming back in the future for any more designing needed.

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