Tuesday 7 May 2019


Through the development of this brief a strong theme has emerged and has been represented well in each aspect of the design such as colour and illustration. The running theme throughout relates to good fortune, luck, symbols and delicacy.

As this is a research-lead brief extensive research was undertaken and referred back to, to the greatest degree throughout every stage. The research initially found was not directly linked to what was set out in the brief, which is where a thee was set for the research to follow of good fortune, luck and delicacy.

Due to the research being focused a celebratory print was produced which was something that was set out in the brief. Another aspect that was defined in the brief was the sustainable production and methods; this was complete through the use of soy-based inks in the risograph printer, using only three colours thus reducing the amount of ink used.

Due to findings about the audience within the research phase it was clear that the style of the print should resemble contemporary prints, with aspects such as the red and blue colours that are included as millennials are primarily driven by an appreciation for aesthetics, relating to the sense of delicacy in the design.

Due to using the riso print, the red was not as vibrant as expected as if the block colour was 100% it would have jammed the printer. However, this does create a more delicate feel to the print which is pleasing.

The time frame for this brief was 4 months, as it was mainly based on research it was a struggle to keep on top of the research alongside the other briefs. However, overall the brief has been exciting with an outcome that is visually pleasing and that has achieved the celebratory manner through the aspects of luck that are used in East Asian celebrations to bring you good fortune.

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