Monday 19 December 2016


The Brief for this project was to choose 3 penguin book covers that already exist and redesign them whilst using the Marber Grid. In order to respond to this brief I've decided to design books covers for three of Jane Austen: The Complete Works. They consist of Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion & Love and Friendship. The titles in bold are the three that I created the sleeve for. I chose to do it from one author rather than just random Penguin titles I liked because I wanted to create a common theme throughout them all.

When researching into my book covers I loved the repetition that had been used on a lot of the covers that I saw, another thing that caught my eye was the simplicity of the book designs and the use of only 2 colours keeps the consistency throughout the book series. 

I don't want my book sleeves to be too similar so to try and keep away from this I think the best thing to do would be to stay away from the use of repetition in my covers. I thought the best thing to start with was to think of a symbol to represent al three books. To do so I looked into each of them and spent time thinking what would be best for which book. 

Using these I then developed them by creating the best ideas into physical things. 

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