Wednesday 21 December 2016


Sensuous - synonyms - aesthetically pleasing, aesthetic, pleasing, pleasurable, gratifying, rich, sumptuous, luxurious.

Obscure - synonyms - unclear, uncertain, unknown, in doubt, doubtful, dubious, mysterious, hazy, vague, indeterminate, concealed, hidden.

These images were my initial sketches that I did when I was looking into the obscure, sensuous and paranoid. From this point on I chose to develop on the words obscure and sensuous. With sensuous I started to use the curved and long sort of lines to relate to the aesthetics of word. I mostly drew with a light sort of line with curves to imitate the word.

Then moving on to obscure I wanted to create harsh sort of diagrams which go against each other.  When creating them I was constantly looking back at the synonyms to try and remind myself of what I was trying to achieve. I think doing this really helped me with my project.

I then started to experiment with cutting up letterforms and making shapes shown in the photos below.

The letter E I experimented with was meant to be in the design of the word obscure, taking away and adding some parts to each shape to coming up with some simple ideas. I think these represent the word obscure well because they are all unclear and abnormal.

I then moved on to look at the letter Z, i chose this letter for the word paranoid because it is the most unused character in the English language, which to me feel paranoid because it is being left out which can lead to someone feeling paranoid. I also had the train of thought that when you are paranoid that you repeat yourself and you overthink things which is why I reused the letter Z over and over again. 

I then recreated them on illustrator to give my project more depth.


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