Monday 23 April 2018


As a whole I have found this module very interesting yet challenging at the same time. Both the briefs have been compelling and have made me find different ways to approach the briefs that solve multiple problems throughout the development stages of each brief.In relations to the research that I carried out, I believe that I have done a good amount, whilst always remembering to refer back to it at each stage of both briefs. Due to the fact this module is research focused I believe it has enabled me to have a greater understanding of the two topics I have been researching.

In relation to studio brief 1 something I struggled on was keeping the theme consistent and not over complicating the designs whilst keeping it practical for the users. As it is focused on relaxation I did not want to make the designs look messy and confusing because that could cause stress which is the opposite factor to what I am trying to create with my diffuser. I would also prefer the label to be of better quality as they did not print as well as I had hoped, I will try to reprint for the exhibition, maybe even try printing a sticker.

In relation to studio brief 2 something I struggled with was creating the end product up to a professional standard. Due to the fact that I wanted my product to be authentic and handmade I think it has had an affect on the outcome as it could be seen as a bit too simplistic. I would have preferred to use more intricate designs for the printing however because I did it by hand rather than screen print I could not produce the detail that I wanted and thought would be best. For the birthday print I originally wanted to print flags, however when I put my design on the potato it was too thin and did not work. However I realised that they were going to be too simplistic too late on in the brief so I decided to stick to the bold designs that I had to develop them further.

Overall I think I have struggles with time management and managing this module alongside other modules such as OUGD503 as that was also such a large module and the workload for each was hard to manage. I think this has shown in my designs as I could not change a couple of minor aspects that I would've liked to change due to the fact I left it too late. Saying this I believe that my outcomes for both of these briefs are completed well and have a good background and theme to them due to the extensive research phases.

Sunday 22 April 2018


Overall I believe this studio brief has been challenging yet I am satisfied with the end product due to the positive feed back that I recieved throughout. 

One aspect I would have liked to improve on was the label as I should have printed it as a sticker rather than onto asetate. This was just suggested to me to late on in the project for me to be able to create the sticker. This would have looked more proffessional.

Throughout this brief  I think my time management has suffered due to the fact that we have had other modules and tht this module is not seperated evenly as this is the smaller brief. 

A part of the brief that I am very pleased about is my extensive research into all the different components of my outcome and I surprised myself on how much the research effects my outcome because at the start I was mainly thinking of doing tea packaging however when I research in depth about the different aspects of the Japanese culture I realised that there would be an indirect way to link them all up and let the tradition thrive again.

Something I struggled on was keeping the theme consistent and not over complicating the designs whilst keeping it practical for the users. I would also prefer the label to be of better quality as they did not print as well as I had hoped.

Despite this minor problem I believe my project works well as a whole, with a good theme running throughout. I am pleased with the fact I have gone outside my comfort zone and created something that I normally wouldn’t and something that is new to me. 


The final outcome for this brief was fun to create as the process of cutting the potatoes and printing them was intricate however rewarding. On the other hand I believe I enjoyed it because this is a brief that I actually care about and have been so interested in the topic that I have created and thought of myself thus showing I came up with an outcome which I believe to be worthwhile.

Something I struggled with was creating the end product up to a professional standard. Due to the fact that I wanted my product to be authentic and handmade I think it has had an effect on the outcome as it could be seen as a bit too simplistic. 

I would have preferred to use more intricate designs for the printing however because I did it by hand rather than screen print I could not produce the detail that I wanted and thought would be best. However I realised this too late in the brief to change anything about it so stuck to my bold designs which I knew would print well.

The most enjoyable aspect of this brief was the research phase as I got to learn so much and also as I came back to it over and over again I felt as if I knew enough to say that I am an expert in this field. I think this is a great achievement for me and have enjoyed the brief. 

I think this brief  has taught me that it important for designers to design for themselves but also to get across a meaningful message. At the start of this brief I set myself an aim to deign something that is useful for the general public and sending a message across that if we as a race don’t start being sustainable we are going to ruin our planet. I believe that I have successfully achieved this goal.

Friday 20 April 2018




I am generally pleased with my outcome and the way I have presented it. The use of the simple and basic branding works alongside my designs and my theme well. 

Tuesday 17 April 2018


Here are my final outcomes for studio brief one, After my crit it was suggested to me that I used sticker for the label of the bottle however I did not have enough time to do this thus showing a small imperfection. 

Tuesday 10 April 2018


I finalised the designs and placements of the type and illustrations of my leaflet after moving them all around and trying out different placements. I then moved onto the label for the diffuser bottle, I wanted to keep it plain and simple as if there is too much going on then it is not going along with the right relaxing and calming theme that is running throughout the whole of this brief.

Sunday 8 April 2018


I want this to be printed off maybe A5 or A6 size as I want it to be photographed alongside the diffuser as a mini leaflet that is informative about what the diffuser is and what it can be paired with to make you have the best calming and relaxing experience. 

I started off with the type face called urban incline however after a crit I had It was suggested that I could use a typeface that was less bendy and also as it is being printed on a smaller scale then as the 2 lines of the type are so close then it would be unreadable. It was also said that my colour scheme is good and the colours works well together. Another aspect that was suggested to change was the white space around the red box as it is a bit in your face and could be changed. Moving forward from this I am going to have less white space by maybe including some small illustrations. 

I originally illustrated a fish and a tea cup to represent the tea ceremony and a fish to represent the Japanese culture. The second typeface was the one I decided to use is called Street Cred. I preferred the spacing of the 2 lines used for the type. however I decided to change the kerning to make it closer together to create the look I wanted for this brief. 

Monday 2 April 2018


Here are a couple of mock up of my campaign on media on the phone and billboards :