Sunday 22 April 2018


The final outcome for this brief was fun to create as the process of cutting the potatoes and printing them was intricate however rewarding. On the other hand I believe I enjoyed it because this is a brief that I actually care about and have been so interested in the topic that I have created and thought of myself thus showing I came up with an outcome which I believe to be worthwhile.

Something I struggled with was creating the end product up to a professional standard. Due to the fact that I wanted my product to be authentic and handmade I think it has had an effect on the outcome as it could be seen as a bit too simplistic. 

I would have preferred to use more intricate designs for the printing however because I did it by hand rather than screen print I could not produce the detail that I wanted and thought would be best. However I realised this too late in the brief to change anything about it so stuck to my bold designs which I knew would print well.

The most enjoyable aspect of this brief was the research phase as I got to learn so much and also as I came back to it over and over again I felt as if I knew enough to say that I am an expert in this field. I think this is a great achievement for me and have enjoyed the brief. 

I think this brief  has taught me that it important for designers to design for themselves but also to get across a meaningful message. At the start of this brief I set myself an aim to deign something that is useful for the general public and sending a message across that if we as a race don’t start being sustainable we are going to ruin our planet. I believe that I have successfully achieved this goal.

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