Sunday 22 April 2018


Overall I believe this studio brief has been challenging yet I am satisfied with the end product due to the positive feed back that I recieved throughout. 

One aspect I would have liked to improve on was the label as I should have printed it as a sticker rather than onto asetate. This was just suggested to me to late on in the project for me to be able to create the sticker. This would have looked more proffessional.

Throughout this brief  I think my time management has suffered due to the fact that we have had other modules and tht this module is not seperated evenly as this is the smaller brief. 

A part of the brief that I am very pleased about is my extensive research into all the different components of my outcome and I surprised myself on how much the research effects my outcome because at the start I was mainly thinking of doing tea packaging however when I research in depth about the different aspects of the Japanese culture I realised that there would be an indirect way to link them all up and let the tradition thrive again.

Something I struggled on was keeping the theme consistent and not over complicating the designs whilst keeping it practical for the users. I would also prefer the label to be of better quality as they did not print as well as I had hoped.

Despite this minor problem I believe my project works well as a whole, with a good theme running throughout. I am pleased with the fact I have gone outside my comfort zone and created something that I normally wouldn’t and something that is new to me. 

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