Monday 23 April 2018


As a whole I have found this module very interesting yet challenging at the same time. Both the briefs have been compelling and have made me find different ways to approach the briefs that solve multiple problems throughout the development stages of each brief.In relations to the research that I carried out, I believe that I have done a good amount, whilst always remembering to refer back to it at each stage of both briefs. Due to the fact this module is research focused I believe it has enabled me to have a greater understanding of the two topics I have been researching.

In relation to studio brief 1 something I struggled on was keeping the theme consistent and not over complicating the designs whilst keeping it practical for the users. As it is focused on relaxation I did not want to make the designs look messy and confusing because that could cause stress which is the opposite factor to what I am trying to create with my diffuser. I would also prefer the label to be of better quality as they did not print as well as I had hoped, I will try to reprint for the exhibition, maybe even try printing a sticker.

In relation to studio brief 2 something I struggled with was creating the end product up to a professional standard. Due to the fact that I wanted my product to be authentic and handmade I think it has had an affect on the outcome as it could be seen as a bit too simplistic. I would have preferred to use more intricate designs for the printing however because I did it by hand rather than screen print I could not produce the detail that I wanted and thought would be best. For the birthday print I originally wanted to print flags, however when I put my design on the potato it was too thin and did not work. However I realised that they were going to be too simplistic too late on in the brief so I decided to stick to the bold designs that I had to develop them further.

Overall I think I have struggles with time management and managing this module alongside other modules such as OUGD503 as that was also such a large module and the workload for each was hard to manage. I think this has shown in my designs as I could not change a couple of minor aspects that I would've liked to change due to the fact I left it too late. Saying this I believe that my outcomes for both of these briefs are completed well and have a good background and theme to them due to the extensive research phases.

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