Wednesday 5 December 2018

Catch Up Meeting

I then decided the best thing to do was for me to catch up with freya to see how long until her final images are done, so I can start designing the look-book. I also wanted to understand if I was heading in the right direction, I asked freya to look at the visual research I had done in relation to layout and possible design ideas for the outcome. She said she loved the research I gathered so far and she has one more shoot to get the images she has imagined then she will send them across to me to start designing some different layout ideas. 

She said she didn't really have a preference as to what the final outcome looked like, however as a creative person I know she could have different preferences. So I have decided that I will try to create 2/3 different rough ideas for the look-book, in which have different directions and she which is the best. 

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