Thursday 13 December 2018

The Making Process

Before we could begin making the booklet I decided to print out three different copies so that we had room for error and we could also do a test booklet before we print the final one.

We decided the best way to create the pristine and professional look in order to produce the booklet to the high standards we know we can reach.
Here Katherine and I are measuring in order to glue together each piece of paper to create the concertina layout. 

Here I am measuring the added sections for the tabs that I created in the InDesign document.

Katherine here is measuring the correct centre meters so that all of our pages are the same and slick. 
Here I am gluing together two of the pages for the concertina layout.

Below are images of Katherine working out how and where she would need to cut the grey board in order to create the hard back cover. 

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