Tuesday 10 January 2017


I experimented with where I should put my symbols and what colours to use with each. In the end I decided I wanted to use the marber grid on the actual book covers to give it more of a stronger sense in my covers, however I made them more transparent so they would not be the first thing you saw on the cover. These are my three final covers. 


Overall I am please with the consistency and the simplicity of my covers for the second studio brief. And i think the  subtle use of the Marber grid alongside really just adds a further aspect showing how the illustrations are the main part of the covers, keeping the tradition whilst also adding an aspect of modernism to my cover designs. The use of colour in my designs were also trying to reflect the titles of the books. For example taking Persuasion, it is the process of making someone believe something which in my eyes isn't necessarily a good thing so its on the dangerous side, hence the association of red. Sense and Sensibility is kind of calming which to me can be seen as a cool green, also the use of the olive branch as the symbol - olive branches are usually green. For love and friendship blue is seen to be associated with loyalty and depth which to me is something that both love and friendship should have. Overall I believe that my designs reflect each individual book nicely whilst using the subtle structure of the marber grid. 

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