Saturday 21 January 2017


When thinking about my wayfinding system, it is playful and simple. For my pictograms I wanted to keep them as simple and legible as possible. I wanted them to simply get across the message of how far away the zone is. I worked out from my map that the timings (in mins) range from 1 to 20.

I looked back on one of my old blog posts about the arrow and the meaning it gave off, which then lead me to look into the different types of arrow heads there are and which I thought would look best.

I found this image with multiple different arrow heads on but as I look at the image I believe them all to be too complicated and I want my system to be simple and to achieve this I believe the most simple form for my arrowhead to take is a simple triangle. The examples of my pictograms are shown below.  I could obviously change the dynamics of the triangle if that is what it should look like in the mock up designs, for my pictograms now its fine.

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