Saturday 21 January 2017


This is my initial map design I did, keeping the background very simplistic with little else going on apart from the coloured zones and the other areas with black outline and black road names. I think keeping the map design simple was a good design decision because it gives more room for the physical system to be the exciting bit that sounds and is fun to do rather than having a flashy fun and exiting map that draws some of the attention away from the system. 

Then from the photographs I took around Leeds I used some of them and some of my pictograms to create some mock up designs. I don't think they look as good as they could do at the moment so I will definately need to improve on them. 

These images are for section one of my system where you are finding all the different zones.

This image is for section two where you are in the blue zone and seeing how far away the shows are.

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