Monday 9 January 2017


Moving on from the crit I had so many different ideas that I could pursue, I think what was hard for me was to get the idea down that was best so I could write my rationale and carry on with the design phase of it.

I created a quick and simple stencil that I then put over a lamp, I used tape to go over two of the lines to see what it would look like with different colours.


This gave me a small idea of how the reflective material for my system would work. I then had loads of ideas of my own come from the crit I had. I wrote all my ideas and thoughts down. However I think doing this I was starting to confuse myself as there were so many ideas and thoughts so I needed to make the ideas work as a sign system.

I had so many thoughts that could relate to this project, for example,  having the projections up around leeds and designing each section to the element, shown on the right, with the type behind the boxes. And inside the boxes I thought I could include the information on the events in that area of that element. 
Having all the different ideas made it hard for me for a couple of days because I was unsure which route to go down and I was just struggling in general. I then had a chat with Ben which cleared everything up for me. He realised I was confused and gave me the help I needed because I had to explain to him just one idea that would work as a whole so I think saying it out loud made me realise what were good ideas, what were bad ideas and what ideas would work well together. After my chat with Ben he told me to write my rationale because it will just clarify everything and I could get on with designing after this stage. 

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