Friday 17 November 2017


Production for our app was good fun, we wrote out all the necessary words to use, scan them in. To add a sense of Bakery 164 we included aspects like of course the handwritten type titles,  the metal floor that is in the shop from a photograph we took, an illustration of the man who shouts in the shop with a speech bubble, images taken in Bakery used for the background for the menu, written ingredients for each specific sandwich and the wooden block that says your order number. We played around with the layout of each page and decided on the final layout together according to what would be best for the user and what we think represents Bakery 164 the best. 



The video above was created through the use of XD which was new to both of us before this brief. We found it difficult to first use XD but when we got into it we thought it is a great application to use. Below are screenshots of the workflow of each page from the app.

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