Monday 6 November 2017


After completing our wireframes we wanted to solidify some ideas we have. In relation to colour scheme we believe to keep the authenticity of Bakery 164 the best thing to do was to keep the colour scheme the same. The classic red and yellow that we all love to see outside one of our favourite sandwich shops. Firstly we used an image that we took of the outside of the shop and using the eyedropper tool selected a yellow and a red out of that. However we discovered because the sign is probably weather beaten and quite old the colours that came out were very dark and not what we thought so we decided the best thing to do was to brighten those colours. We ended up with the red and yellow that is shown below. 

In relation to typography, to keep everything similar and authentic we thought it would be best to do the headings / main type in handwritten writing like they do in the shop. We experimented using a variety of colours just like they do in their shop and the result is shown below. We believe that it is an accurate representation of how it looks in the shop and that it looks good. 

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