Sunday 10 December 2017


Live brief / competition entry

- understand the brief so that you can respond and answer it correctly
- do not get lost within the brief
- do lots of relevant research
- read the book to gain an understanding of the content
- read articles relating to the book
- how would your book cover look on a shelf ( real world perspective )

Idea generation 
- 30 ideas that have potential before you start designing
- do not be precious about your ideas
- think tactically, try not to be too obvious or do something that has been done before
- more ideas give you more opportunity for development
- give your cover a personal touch making yours stand out
- get feedback and listen to it

Submission Boards
- use professional photos
- final resolution on boards
- make sure yours grabs the attention of judges
- show ideas visually with brief concept
- research, solutions, visual style and outcomes

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