Saturday 23 December 2017


I decided to look into existing book covers to see what has been done :

All of the above are very standard covers, both applying to the black and white colour scheme and following the simple O and X of the title not relevant to the content of the book.

Most recent book cover produced:

With this cover I believe they are trying to appeal to the younger generation with the playful colour and type however it is still not linked to the content of the book which I think is quite key for this competition. 

Other covers I found when researching :

Previous winners of the Penguin roundhouse competition for the Childrens section include :

There is a common theme throughout all these which I think is key for me to follow to the best of my ability. The common theme is illustration. I knew this when I started looking at this brief and chose it as illustration is not one of my best aspects to design so I thought it would be good to push my boundaries and try something that isnt in my comfort zone. There are all very eye catching.

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