Tuesday 12 December 2017

its nice that TALK

Founded in 2002 by will hudson, it was founded as a response to a brief that he recieved while he was at uni. The brief was to put something into the public domain

Now it has reached its 10th anniversary and reached 1.5 million people , they put out 13 stories a day and cover all creative disciplines including film animation, publication and advertising.

It taked them 4-6 weeks to design the printed pages and put together on board to see how the publication will flow. They do refinement of the pages at the printers and then print the pages even larger to refine the details more

How do they make their money -
- they colaberate and work with different brands
- uniqlo life wear, which is for creatives to showcase clothing

Keep learning new skills and bridge the gap between student and professionals - interview people within the industry to gain insight into different areas

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