Sunday 13 November 2016

OUDG403 - Evaluation

Throughout this module I have accumulated new skills and knowledge that will remarkably impact my design in the future. Before coming here making informed design decisions with purpose was not one of my strengths, I found it hard to make a decision without going back on it and changing my mind. This effected my work greatly due to the fact that I then had less time to actually design. Now I am starting to take more care and think about why I am making the decisions that I make. 

During this module I have become more conscious of what makes up lettering and type and how there are actually a lot more components to it than I thought such as weight, serifs and strokes. Learning about these has also helped me see how much they impact type as a whole. I now notice when walking past shop signs what I like and dislike about them and why. It is not only the serifs and weight that effect the image that is given off by specific type and lettering but also things such as the kerning and tracking that change its character and nature. 

Another thing I have learnt from this module is that not all research is online. It is about going out looking around you and seeing how the things you see around you influence your design and why they do. This has given me a sort of understanding that I can take in inspiration from anywhere that will effect my practice in a useful way. However it is still extremely important to research online to the full because there is always more things to be found. This became apparent to me when I was researching for both briefs because of the great effect that all the characteristics that make up a typeface or a logotype has on a brand and its overall image due to the personality that is portrayed.

I find the group crits extremely helpful for me and is a good learning curve for me because I still am not very good at portraying my thoughts into words and having to do this for the crits is helping me to improve. In group crits I am also trying to use better terminology to aid me in the future.

Brief 2 was overall the better brief for me because unlike in brief 1 I started off by doing more sketches which helped me produce a varied body of work which aided me to get more feedback that was actually useful and that I could change to create a better outcome.

Overall I think this module was a great start to having design skills and general understanding of typography. I definatly think that my outcome was a lot better in brief 2 which is good because it made me realise what I had to improve on from brief 1.

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