Tuesday 8 November 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 02 - Development

Development for my design -

After my crit I decided to focus on the italic version of Baskerville because it is more feminine which is needed because I think my typeface could be used on titles in fashion magazines or beauty bloggers logotypes. Both of which are very feminine things. However I think they also need to legible from far away so to adjust my typeface into being more legible I think the serifs and the overall look of Baskerville italic is too curvy. To change this I am making the serifs flat based to look more professional.

Above are my designs for my letters, on the left I started by putting my ideas of making gaps in the letters, flattening the serifs and changing the weights of the letters. However you can tell I had to redo some of the letters because I made the mistake of putting an angle on the serifs and not keeping them straight like I wanted however I soon realised my mistake and redid the ones I did wrong.

I then scanned them into illustrator and added the rulers and added guides to help me keep the spacing and x-height all the same to keep the rules the same for all the lettering. This took me quite a long time to do however I am quite please with the end result.

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