Saturday 12 November 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 02 - Final Crit and Evaluation

Final Crit

The final crit really helped me because I got feedback from 13 people in my group giving me a variation of different peoples views. For the crit I laid out my final typeface on my specimen along with my rationale.

The main themes in my feedback were -

- the feminine and delicate personality of the type comes through due to the fragmented characters, also it makes the lettering more interesting and is not an obvious approach - making the context relevant to the word
- the colours used on my specimen contribute to the feminine look - could try changing the actual typeface colours to a darker pink?
- background of the specimen works well however may not be an obvious link to a high brand fashion magazine
- swash of the 'f' 't' 'y' work well for your adjective
- could make it more delicate by making the weight even lighter / thinner
- very appropriate for a fashion magazine / high fashion
- choosing an italic variant was appropriate as it contributes to the feeling of elegance being portrayed
- use of bracketed serifs works well - could have made them more rounded if you wanted to take it further?
- the serifs are well underlined - adding authority to the typeface especially for a feminine looking font


I really enjoyed studio brief 2, I think this was due to the fact that we got to choose our adjective which made me really think about the adjective I wanted and how I was going to use that to develop interesting research and in the end give an outcome that I was pleased with and something that I was excited about. Overall I am pleased with my outcome, I think I have done exactly what I set out to do by creating a delicate yet authoritative typeface.
The thing that I would have loved to develop further would be playing around more with the weights because many people in my final crit said that to take it further the best thing to do was to make the lettering thinner to reiterate and make the delicacy prominent in my type.
Doing this project has improved a lot of my skills and I have gained more knowledge in type creation and how a typeface needs to work overall.
Working so closely to illustrator has really benefited and it will benefit me greatly in the future because it is a really helpful and useful tool to use.

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