Friday 11 November 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 02 - Typeface specimen and rationale

Rationale - 'belle' 

A typeface which is was inspired by Baskerville italic, using bracketed flat based serifs whilst adjusting the weights of the lettering and breaking up each letter into fragmented shapes setting a sophisticated and feminine tone to the typeface. The idea was based on research into fashion magazines and blogs such as Elle, Vogue, Bazar, Man Repeller and Park & Cube. My typeface portrays the idea of being fragile and delicate, the feeling of being close to be broken by the fragmented shapes whilst having a sense of authority portrayed by the flat based bold serifs. Belle, my delicate typeface purpose is intended for a large display like on a magazine or a blog, this influenced my design decisions because at the back of my mind I was always thinking about how I was going to make my typeface feminine, because if it is going to be on fashion blogs the majority is based on a focus group of women, which relates to why I chose to use bracketed serifs and have the fragmented shapes. 

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