Friday 4 November 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 02 - More design and Interim Crit

Crit Feedback

I found that the interim crit was quite helpful in actually creating my typeface because it gave me the boost and further ideas needed to finish my typeface. The group said to me that they thought I could take the delicacy of the typeface further. To do this they suggested I manipulated and played around with the width of the typeface because they thought it didn't look delicate enough. Someone also suggested that making it italic could also give the more feminine and delicate look that I was going for.

I decided also to move away from my initial idea of transferring the characteristics from Baskerville onto Helvetica because I tried and tested it however it did not work so I am going to just manipulate Baskerville to get the look. I am going to focus on lowercase letters because they give me the delicacy that uppercase doesn't have. Uppercase is bolder and in your face which is not as delicate and feminie as lowercase. I was also given the idea to play around with the ascenders and descenders and weight.

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