Wednesday 2 November 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 02 - Developing my idea

To start with I tried out my idea of putting characteristics from Baskerville onto Helvetica. However whilst doing this on uppercase it doesn't look feminine or delicate at all, in fact it is the complete opposite of what I was going for which was ridged and strong. So I then tried it on lowercase but I really struggled with adding the gaps because the letter was not very rounded - this occurs in letters like 'c'. I also did not like the 'g' in helvetica because it is not as delicate as it is in in Baskerville due to the glyph. 

I then did some further research into delicate typefaces and what it meant to be delicate and fragile. Looking into it they are very different.  Delicate things, like a flower, a necklace or someone's feelings are fragile, easily broken and often quite beautiful. Whereas fragile is broken or damaged, destroyed and threatened. 

So I then played around with the serifs and how I could manipulate Baskerville as a typeface to represent my word. Whilst doing this I thought the serifs I was creating were too harsh and bold not giving my lettering the look i wanted for my adjective.

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