Wednesday 1 February 2017


The brief for this was to create an exhibition poster that featured either The Tate Modern, V&A or the Natural History Museum. It had to be A1 size and able to fold down into A4 size. Using folding techniques and folded card/paper to form sculptural object. Throughout this brief I am going to look heavily at layout and how the page reads. I will be looking at how the text fits on the page in relation to the images and space around them both. I am going to look at creating a poster for the V and A as I like a lot of the posters that they do already. 

I then thought I would look at previous V&A posters to give me inspiration and see what has been made for them before. The first was a series of posters that I looked at for 'Disobedient Objects' These posters use ordinary objects to cause rebellion and protest therefore linking back to the title of the exhibition. I think these are very interesting and they visual aspect of the poster links heavily to the title which is something that I want to achieve. 

The next V&A poster I looked at was for an exhibition called 'Get Closer'. Again I think the imagery and the visual aspect of the poster links so strongly to the title due to the contrast in scale of the man and the vase. I think the fact that this poster is monochrome makes the poster less eye catching as the only bit of colour is the logo. 


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