Saturday 18 March 2017


I felt this crit was very useful for me as it clarified which design was best and how I could improve it to make it ready for the competition submission. With my first design it was said that because of how the bird is situated there is too much space on the right hand side. I noticed this because if you were just looking at it as just the front cover then because the heading is also on the left hand side there is too much going on on the left and too much space on the right. 

The second design was said to be better in relation to the layout and proportions however it was said in both the first second and the fourth that the images of the mockingbird and the noose were a bit too obvious and not really what the brief wanted as it was something original. However they liked my fence design and thought that it was a good representation. 

The concept of my fourth design was said to be good but they believed it could have been executed a bit better as the character of Boo Radley most likely doesn't really look like that. I agreed with this but it is quite hard to make a shadow a good representation of someone. 

My final design was the one my peers thought was best because the idea of having the bible as the background was the most simplistic design without being too obvious, I was also told that it was the nicest looking because of how it was uncomplicated with an interesting concept behind it. However I was told that the noose was not a necessary object in this design as it doesn't really relate to the rest of the concept which I think is correct now looking back on it so I need to make a couple of changes. 

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