Monday 20 March 2017


Overall I feel the final cover for To Kill a Mockingbird worked well as it was the concept out of all my designs. In court Atticus tries to prove Tom Robinson as innocent as assaulting Mayella by implicating her father as the assaulter. The typeface used for the main body of text is Charter because I was trying to represent the sort of text that would be used in the official documents used in the courtroom. And the worn black leather is a representation of the cover of the bible that would also be used in the courtroom. I think my design is successful due to the simple nature of design which allows the viewer to focus on the concept behind the cover. I think the use of the white space behind the fence and the monochrome used also allows the viewer to focus on the concept and the text that is there. I prefer the monochrome than when I used colour as I believe that it also represents the racism issues that are portrayed in the book. 

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