Monday 15 May 2017


Throughout this module I have gained new skills and knowledge that has and hopefully will keep on impacting my design for the better. I think doing this module has helped me establish a deeper understanding of visual language and design principles as a whole. I have learnt new vocabulary and have explored new ways to approach the problems that were set in both of the briefs. I have learnt that type, layout, image, format and composition are all relative but all have very different meanings that need to be treated differently. 

During this module we looked extensively at grids and how they can help your work look cleaner. I think the design of the Marber grid was a perfect place to start for me as it then taught me I could explore different grid layouts and even create my own to keep my work looking professional. From this I have then almost always used different grids in all my work, it has especially helped me within my design board layouts. 

The use of visual vocabulary has never been one of my strong points, however through exploring the use of type and image within my design practice has helped me become more informed and thus boosting my vocabulary. Aspects like the pantone and PMS was something that I did not really know before this module. Due to researching into these I believe that I could now link this to my work in the future.  

Another aspect that I have improved on is my ability to visually investigate and interpret the world around me, I believe that this has helped me develop the way I communicate what I want to say through the use of design. Through my colour theory booklet I was challenged to look at the world, through the use of a photograph we had taken in leeds, with an analytical eye and develop an individual understanding through investigation that helps me to communicate my ideas visually. Within my booklet I looked at Josef Albers Homage to the square and I created my own version of this using my colour palette taken from my swatch of the photograph taken in Leeds. 

One aspect of this module I enjoyed learning about was colour in graphic design. Colour can hugely effect the way the human eye looks and feels about a certain design, for example people associate colours with feelings. White is associated with positive and pure where as red is associated with aggression and power. Learning about colour in graphic design has changed the way I then thought about my other briefs and how my use of colour will then effect the way the viewer looks at my design and how they interpret it.

Design process better in brief 2 as I had all the knowledge from brief one to then help me further with the grids and layout brief. I also believe as there was two tasks in brief 2 I had more work to produce and I liked the two different aspects of it as it helped me develop my understanding of visual language in relation to a personal area of interest, looking heavily at layout which is something that I enjoy.

Overall I think this module was a great start to helping me understand design principles and visual language. I think this module helped me develop an exploratory approach on editorial and publication design. I enjoyed the little amount of this module we had and would have loved to been able to finish it to the extent the module was intended.

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