Friday 19 May 2017


Throughout this module I believe that I have become a lot more independent and I also believe I have been allowed to develop a more self-directed body of work communicating visually through my designs focusing on type and image. Something else that is new this module is working collaboratively to explore solutions in a group to specific problems and briefs. We have been investigating aspects like layout, typography, editorial, social media, traditional print and paper based print.

Something that helped my time management in this module was the fact that we had a live brief. I think this made me do more designs as I went along because the deadline was not set by the college but it was a competition so I knew I had to get it done. During this brief I think my design changed and developed due to peer feedback which really helped me. 

During this module we have looked at a lot of different aspects as there has been 4 studio briefs which has helped me establish a deeper understanding to design process as a whole. One aspect I found both challenging yet interesting was the traditional print methods brief. I wrote my COP essays on traditional print so it was great to get a chance to use it for a brief. However there was a lot of things that went wrong that I had to amend throughout which made the process very long and tedious at times however I persevered and got the brief done to a standard that I was pleased with.  

One aspect that I believe I have improved on throughout this module is my communication skills and working with others. It can be hard working in a group if not all of the group is willing and organised. Not only has it improved my communication skills but also my organisational skills as I did not want to let down either of my groups. 

Something that I have developed further in this module is my critical and reflective approaches through documentation and evaluation of not only my own work / design but also my groups work and designs. 

Something I think I would improve on if I were to do this module again would be to research in more depth as I believe I had researched for other modules a lot better than I have in this one. Even though I have done research into current graphic design practice there is not as much which could have effected my own work.

Studio brief 2 was the brief that I enjoyed the most as it was through the use of traditional print and I personally believe that it had the best concept behind it was the best as I put a lot of thought into what each design should be and what they would look like as a whole.

Overall I think this module was a great start to helping me understand design process. I think this module helped me develop a better understanding for people skills and traditional print methods. I loved working in groups, I found it very rewarding.

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