Tuesday 16 May 2017


Having come to Leeds as a first year and not ever been here before apart from open days, our knowledge of the city was minimal. Throughout the year we have discovered and learnt the best places to get deals and where is the best place to go on which day of the week. We intend to use this information to create a colour coded, folded, informative A3 map which shows next years first years these places they may not know that we have discovered. From A3 it will fold to A5 size so it is easy to carry from place to place.

For the initial ideas of our map project we looked into what sort of map we wanted to go for shown in figure 1. This was to see if we wanted to have the area of the map coloured in or if we wanted it represented by pictograms. We decided to represent it through pictograms due to the fact if we filled it in then it would make the map design look overcrowded which is not what we wanted to go for as the locations must be distinguishable. 

The quick sketches we did to gain a rough idea of what we wanted our design to look like which I think helped us decided which sort of design we wanted to do. The reason I created this map the size that it is was because all the deals we found were all in this parameter so there was no need to create anymore. 

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