Friday 19 May 2017


After peer feedback we decided to add a red box around the days of the week because we were informed that the red of the title was a little out of place and they thought we should add the red elsewhere to keep the consistency throughout. 

our colour scheme was good as you can easily differentiate between all the colours, which is what is needed from a simple map. 

We first screenprinted the headings as we were not definitely sure how the red was going to turn out, thus meaning after we screenprinted we could match the red to the red of the box. The reason we chose to screenprint the heading was because we thought the first years should know the difference in the colleges resources but also because when you screenprint the ink is applied thick than digital printing which results in the colours being brighter and showing the colour we wanted. Not only this but there were too many different colours for us to screenprint each pictogram.

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