Tuesday 8 January 2019

Front Cover Final Discussion

I then had a discussion with Freya after my crit with my peers to see where her head was at. I took these images to Freya and asked what her thoughts were about it.

Below are the new options I did for the cover from my earlier crit with my peers. Looking at refining the small details to see how I could improve my cover. I mainly played around with colour rather than layout:

She had some small ideas which I turned into outcomes to see which were. She thought the drop shadow could be the same as on the model :

Then we decided together that we would go back to just the normal black DAZED logo as simplicity does portray a lot of effectiveness, and looked more like the DAZED normal magazine, which was something that she was keen to keep with. I then got it down to two options with small details included that should be included like the barcode and edition :

Then I chose the following image to be the final front cover:

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