Monday 28 January 2019

PEEL Brief

A Fine Art student from Brooke's University has asked me to do some designing for her end of year show. She is in her third year, I met her on my foundation year and we have kept in contact. 

The first thing she has asked me to do is to create the posters for the exhibition as she wants it to look good and professional as the audience is not just students it is the general public. She also said she might need some assistance creating the net for their exhibition, which is the 2D paper shape of a cube.

In order to start designing the posters I asked my client, Imogen to give me all the information needed in order to take this brief further. She did not give me too much information which doesn't aid to my brief as I need to gather as much information I can in order to create a good design. 

'PEEL' is the name of their exhibition, however when I asked the meaning behind it she said there was none and the year just decided that. I gathered the relevant information including the audience, the text and images that need to be on the poster. 

As Imogen already sent me a logo that someone in her class created, I asked if I were allowed to adapt it slightly as I believe I could have made it better however as it was not her who created it she said to keep the logo as it was. I also noticed that the logo is already in use on their social media sites. 

Their social media done by the people in their class
The piece that is wanted on the poster
The logo that was created by the client

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