Saturday 22 April 2017


Isla Pearce and Charles Worrall showed us their presentation for their proposal for their show, their branding won and was the actual exhibition branding used for their show.

The first thing they said to us was about what was most important which was to express creativity in a new and inventive way, show hard work and talent with a strong visual identity. 

Their initial ideas were :
- In the works - where they represent each subject area which was represented by an object for each whilst looking at process
- use photography and clean type however it needs to be visually creative

They then received feedback and found out that using one object for each subject would be too hard meaning they needed to look at representing the life at college in a more complicated way. To do this they looked at the college values to help them with their project. 

Their final idea needed to be eye catching and lead the viewers eye down to the bottom where the information would be. It also needed to be derived from the colleges values. They wanted their work to be different from the previous branding that had occurred they strived to do this through the bright colours used and subjective nature.  

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