Tuesday 18 April 2017


To produce my A3 print I used screen printing. I decided to use 3 separate screens to make my print more interesting and complicated. I found screen printing very difficult throughout the whole of the the process as there were many aspects that did not go as I had hoped. 

First I cleaned the screen then put emulsion on and then exposed it. However I then had to redo a couple of them as i put too much emulsion on one of them and then another time my screen went missing so I had to redo it. When printing the first thing I did was the yellow layer, then the black layer then the blue layer as I needed know where to put the blue shapes so I had to do the yellow layer first.

Overall I am please with the prints I created, there are small changes I would have made at the start of the project but at the end I grew to like them. The changes I would have made was to make all the yellow dots whole but I like the aesthetic that it gives off.

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