Saturday 1 April 2017


Above is the first development ideas for my project looking at what I think would be best for my project.

To start my poster off I needed to create the visual imagery for the 5 beers that I chose to do them for. I chose :
- Golden Salamander
- Malton's Brass Castle
- Two Roses
- Golden Owl 
- Angel Weiss

I wanted to have these 5 images I creaated in the middle of the poster in a circle to represent the club collective then have information round the outside about the event with some sort of pattern or maybe image behind it. From my peers I gathered information about what they thought would be best for me to do next and it was said to maybe have a beer glass photograph behind to just represent the event and make it more obvious about what it was. The next step was to then look at what I could do next. Below are examples of what I did next to move on from my feedback.

However after I created these I then got more crit feedback about them and the general thoughts were that the beer glass could take up most of the attention meaning the attention is then taken away from the event and the poster itself. So to stay away from that I thought the best thing to was simplify it and keep the focus on the event which is represented by the text and also the images I created to represent the beers. Below is what I created next to move away from the beer glass. 

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