Monday 10 April 2017


As a group after we received our initial feedback we decided the best thing to do was to adapt our colours to be a bit more vibrant so we chose pink and blue to go together. However we got told that those colours were too related to the LCA colours due to us also using the logo shape of LCA as well. Due to this we decided not to use the LCA logo shape. In the crit I don't think as a group we explained properly the relation of the German translation. Some said that the line within the logo had no relevance however we use it to split up the word because of the pronunciation, thus making it easier for the general public to read and understand with a bit more explanation. After we received this feedback we looked into other colours within our design and we sorted out the reason behind the use of colour. We thought the main reason we should have the colour is to allow our branding to stand out so we thought to use a bright colour to grab the attention of the general public. Thus showing the reason we chose International Klein Blue and the white to contrast it allowing all of our work to gran attention and stand out. 

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