Saturday 22 April 2017


In order to develop all of our branding for our project we split off, with a clear idea in all of our heads about what we wanted our branding to look like. I was on Social Media side of the branding. After talking to my group about it I figured out the main thing that we wanted was a strong Instagram page. To do so the main thing was to look into gifs and what we wanted in the gifs. For me I found it hard because I had only ever made one gif before so it took me a while to get the hang of it. 

After our group crit we had a good idea of everything, I gained from the crit that we needed a few gifs, maybe some imagery of the exhibition space and the logo to go on the Instagram. For the gifs we had the idea of having some gifs that represent 'space' as a whole just to keep a strong reinforcement of the branding ideas going throughout. The best thing to represent space was shapes. I thought the best shapes to use were a circle, a square and a triangle. The main thing to keep throughout all of the gifs was the strong line going down the middle of the logo as that is a strong part of our exhibition. Both representing the timeline and pronunciation of Raum. 

As shown in the image above I did a quick sketch of the start, middle and the end of the gifs just so I knew a rough outline of what I wanted and to help explain to my group to see if they thought it was a good idea. 

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