Tuesday 6 February 2018


I took all my ideas to a crit to gather some feedback on what I should be doing next. From my crit I got many good ideas and feedback = 

- do you need to relate it back to the music - could have a leaflet inside the packaging if you do
- if you are trying to modernise it think of a way to make it more fun and appealing to the younger generation
- 3 facts could win a free incense package or tea ?
- strong theme of relaxation relating to your music genre (sound) the incense (smell) and tea ceremony (touch) I like how you are including more than one sense, it makes it more exciting 
- could you look at a different aspect for smell - look into different types of diffusers like room diffusers 

From this crit I decided the next best thing was to create a survey and gather some responses. But before I thought of what questions I should ask I had  to decide my final idea. My crit gave me a good idea but I wanted to narrow it down so that I know exactly what is needed to do. I have chose to use a reed diffuser and create a scent that is most calming and best suited for my project whilst having a mini leaflet alongside it to explain its purpose. I looked at many different diffusers but I chose reed diffuser as I believe it goes with the aesthetic of this brief, being Japanese and traditional, reed sticks are a lot more traditional than something like an electric diffuser. 


Q1 - Why do you think older / more traditional music is not being used anymore?
Q2 - Would a competition with a prize draw younger generations in? if not what would?
Q3 - What are the good ways to modernise more traditional things?
Q4 - Listen to this piece of music and tell me what you feel in one word
Q5 - In relation to Q4 what scent would you put with this feeling?

This is the piece of music I played when asking about Q4

These are the responses. In general from these responses I gathered that to make my traditional music more appealing that the best thing to do was to create a modern, more fun event or festival to get people to listen to traditional music and also to look at the tea ceremony as they are both huge parts in the Japanese culture and if the younger generations do not carry this on then it could fade out which is a wider issue that needs to be considered. 

Question 5 of this survey was not portrayed in the right way and all of the participants I asked were confused as to what I was asking. However I didn't want to explain it too much by giving them scent options as to give it away. If I were to do this survey again I think the best thing to do would be to have a number of scents that were unnamed and ask the participant to relate the smell to the previous answer they gave for the last question. 

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