Wednesday 28 February 2018


I started by looking at the mini leaflet and what i wanted to include on it and the designs. Before I could do this I realised that I needed an appropriate name for my scent for my diffuser. To do this I decided because I am not using Japanese symbols as they are overused I thought I could find out some words as Japanese words and see which I preferred. For the name I looked into words that related to my project, shown below :

I chose these five words as I wanted the theme to be strong throughout the project. As the traditional japanese music is all about the instruments which all work so well with each other and it has a soothing tone which allows the listener to rest and recuperate. Now that I had the name set I wanted to then focus on the information that was going to be on the leaflet. I wanted to keep it light and simple, One aspect that was very important was to include was the traditional aspects as I am trying to modernise them. I chose rest as visually that was the word that I liked the most.

Initially in relation to the designs I started off by looking back over my visual research so that I could inform my practice. I started with a basic shape that I had come across and then repeated it over and over to get this :

I then played around with this to come up with some designs like this,, not only did I play around with the shapes but also the typeface. As I was not sure If the one that I have used above is fitting for this project and I think the second one used was better.


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