Wednesday 21 March 2018


Responsive has overall been a challenging yet exciting module for me. Something that was interesting about this module was the range from studio brief 1 to studio brief 2. Studio brief 1 allowed me to choose from such a wide range of live briefs which I would not have come across without undergoing this module. Throughout the first studio brief I believe I really pushed my design practice and I allowed myself to work outside my comfort zone. Originally, I did not believe that I would get a good result from doing this, however I proved myself wrong and produced an outcome that I am very proud.

Studio brief 2 I found quite challenging as time management is not an aspect that I am very strong at. However, I enjoyed working collaboratively as you get to bounce ideas off of one another constantly. As we decided to complete this brief over the 3-month period I found it quite hard to get back into the feel of the brief once I had left it for quite some time, however I think this is good practice for my future as in a working environment you do pick up and put down briefs all the time.

I found many aspects of this module surprisingly enjoyable and I feel as if I completed all the briefs to a standard that I am happy with. Overall, I think my time management could be improved further as if I planned my time out from the start of the module I believe I could have got a lot more done to a better standard. Saying this I am pleasantly surprised with a lot of my outcomes over all the briefs.

As a designer, I believe that Responsive has really helped me grow as I have learnt more and got a taste of what the future job will look like. Another thing I have learnt is to have faith in myself because if I set my mind to something that is not necessarily what I am used to, I can do it.

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