Sunday 4 March 2018


As this brief is based around a campaign I think a key aspect for this is social media. The two main aspects for this specific brief I believe would be Instagram and Snapchat. Snapchat I think in this is key as I would imply a geofilter around each of the 4 venues. Snapchat is such a key aspect of todays world and so many people use it and flick through the filters and if you have a filter it can advertise street feast in a fantastic way.

Snapchat - 

I decided these initial filters looked a bit taccy so I got some feedback and then I went with a similar style for all with a bit more class. My feedback was very similar to what I said. They werent sure that it was the correct response to the brief so I payed around a bit more and came up with the geofilters below -

I then decided to look at instagram and thought the best thing to do was to focus on the hashtag that I created as I think thats is a strong concept to go with. My idea was as their instagram at the moment is just based on food I thought they could advertise their venues by having 4 weird facts about food and have an offer of if they know the answer then they can post it on their instagram with an image and if they are right then they can go to one of the 4 venues and get a free meal! I think this is key as they can get advertisment from people around london and also get more people coming to their venues. 

I tried out a few different designs :

Then I decided on this for the final outcome :

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