Wednesday 28 March 2018


Above is my final design for the mini handout for each wrap that is purchased. I then thought about printing methods for my wraps. As I wanted my designs to be simple and authentic with a sort of handmade look to them because when I think of sustainability I think of us doing it for ourselves, helping the planet so we do not ruin it. In that sense it made me think of it being done by hand. I thought I could either screen print but because I want to place each print differently I thought of a fun authetic way by potato printing. I started by using my designs from earlier and cutting out the potatoes so that they are the correct shapes. This took me a couple of different tries to get the shapes how I wanted them and it was very fiddly, however I think it was worth it. 

Below are a couple photographs of me testing the shapes out. The flag one was one of the potatoes that I ended up not using as it was not as crisp and did not look as good as it could so I chose the present instead.

Here is me testing each of the shapes onto the same material that my final designs will be on.

Then below are photographs of me printing them onto the material :

Below you can see the canvas is held up to the light and you can see the designs on the back and the front. 

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