Wednesday 26 October 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 01 - Evaluation


When I first received the word Lockram I had no idea what it was so I started research, into what it was and the history behind it, not only this but reading Massimo Vignelli’s The Vignelli Canon really helped me. Vignelli's graphic design work has a deceptive simplicity to it. I wanted to combine this in my work by keeping my logo classy simple. With this in mind from my research I chose to develop my designs for a high end French inspired Fashion brand much like Chanel. 
I think overall my approach to the brief could have been improved because I spent a lot of time researching not just designing which in hindsight was not what I should have done. I should have spent more time doing sketches before doing my logo on illustrator. This will help me for my future projects because I will manage my time better and do the sketches first. I also believe that due to my little knowledge of illustrator this prohibited my full potential whilst creating my outcomes - it took me a while to get the feel of it, however this is what was needed and I am glad I am now using it.
I found studio brief 1 to be an exciting project learning about new things such as kerning which helped me hugely to understand the design process of logotype and how it all effects the end design. What I found most interesting was researching about branding as a whole and how designs are effected by little things such as serifs.

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