Friday 14 October 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 01 - Research into given word


Definition >  
A kind of linen cloth anciently used in England which was originally imported from a small town in Brittany.

History >
From Locronan a small town in brittany where it was said to be originated, a linen fabric that was shipped over to England. At first when I researched it, it was said to be a course linen fabric which made me think of a scruffy sort of small clothing shop in Brittany with an orthentic sort of look for it.

Initial thoughts for design >
Initially I thought I could create a little shop from a small town in Brittany where lockram was created a while ago. because lockram was shipped over a while a go I thought I could do a sort of medieval looking logo design. However I found it hard to research such things in Brittany so i thought I would change my design idea to look more into the linen area of clothing. My thoughts when it came to linen was that it was more upmarket and had a upper class look about it. 

My interpretation of the brief -  to create a logo by changing the characteristics of a chosen typeface out f 6 to work in a specific word. The function being to work in the background of what we want it to be based on using the personality of the letters using the kerning, stroke, weights, serifs and scale. 

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