Tuesday 18 October 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 01 - initial logo ideas and Feedback

Logo Ideas

Originally I wanted to play around with the 'lock' word in lockram but after I looked at intertwining the O and the C to create a sense of it being locked - however it didn't look like high end fashion at all it looked more like a normal store you would go an get DIY kit from. So then I played around with the kerning to see if that would change the appearance of my logo to have the look that I wanted - however I think it was the O and the C connected that made it have the look that I didn't want.

After playing around with the O and C I thought I would go back to basics because it looks more upper class - in a shop like this less is more. I also made sure that the kerning was a lot wider because in all of my research the lettering is all very spaced out which it what I wanted. I think the lower designs look very elegant and simple and also make it easier to read and shows the importance with the bold big spaced out letters. The uppercase lettering also gives it a sense of dominance.

I then looked at putting a border around the word because I looked into the white company logo however I wasn't sure about it for my logo due to the fact when I first created it, it reminded me heavily of a vintage barbers sort of look, without having the class that I needed.

                                                     Feedback from my crit 
- the lettering looks very sharp and harsh
- the kerning is a good spacing and it does look like your research
- stay away from the locked O and C - not the look you should be going for in high end fashion

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