Friday 14 October 2016

OUGD403 Studio brief 01 - Research into similar Companies

I chose to move away from the medieval small shop idea I originally had and moved onto European High End fashion sort of brands because it was a linen fabric that came from France. To do this I would target upper to middle class ladies that have enough money to shop for pleasure without looking at the price.


All of the high end fashion designs above give off a sense of class and meaning.  I noticed from all the brands such as GUCCI, CHANEL and CELINE the kerning and the capital letters are what make it look powerful and high end. I wanted to recreate this sense of power, the ladies who shop in Lockram will be powerful ladies with money and they want where hey shop to represent them.

My logo design will have to be adaptable because it will be used in many different media's including apps, websites, store fronts, billboards and magazines. Having the sense of elegance and class is going to be my main focus for my design because otherwise I will not get the clients that I am looking for.  

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