Tuesday 11 October 2016

OUGD403 - Kerndown

Kerning exercise -

Kern Definition -
gerund or present participle: kerning; noun: kerning
1adjust the spacing between (characters) in a piece of text to be printed.

We were in a group of 6 and the aim of the task was to produce a logotype design focusing on how the kerning affects what you perceive the logotype to represent. We were given 5 companies; a luxury car company, a basic shopping brand, a condom company, an indie band and an IT company.

- luxury car company - clean cut and aligned type to have a sleek and high end expensive with the kerning close together to show its importance

- basic shopping brand - we decided to go with this because of the angled 'Z' seemed cheap which represented what is sold in the shop and having next to no kerning at all doesn't seem professional. 

- a condom company - this arrangement of the letters is fun and upbeat which is keeping up with the younger generations and the kerning being the same short distance is a different way of presenting the brand.

- an IT company -  straighforward, same baseline fro the IT company keeping it simple and easy to read and reliable which is exactly what is needed from this comapny

- a condom company - the kerning being still quite close together shows to me that it is safe which could even give the sense that the company is safe which is exactly what you want from this company. It also has a contemporary arrangement which is fun and playful.

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